We offer testing and analysis for Asbestos and Mold, for both the public and private sector. Our clients include:
• Homeowners
• Contractors
• Realtors
• Abatement Companies
• Business and Industry
The NorthWest HazMat laboratory is unique in several ways. As we have one of the only onsite asbestos testing laboratories in the Southern Willamette Valley, we can provide quicker turnaround times and a more personalized service. We provide routine testing services of 2 business day results, however, we also provide 4 hour rush results upon request, as well as 24 hour emergency testing services that includes nights and weekends. If you have any questions you can talk directly with the lab technician who is testing your samples.
You can access our services one of three ways:
IN PERSON Sample the material yourself and bring it to NorthWest HazMat (See our step by step guide below)
MAIL Sample the material yourself and mail to NorthWest HazMat (See our step by step guide below)
CALL US We can send a certified asbestos/mold professional to your location to survey your property and take the appropriate samples for analysis. (Additional costs will apply)
NorthWest HazMat, Inc. is an independent company and not affiliated with, partnered with, owned by or controlled by any outside entity.
Questions? Please call (541) 988-9823 or (800) 597-1323 or email: lab@nwhazmat.com
Northwest Hazmat Chain of Custody (pdf Digital Form) | Northwest Hazmat Chain of Custody (pdf)